Get rich- the easy way.

Money has energy. Money is spiritual. This article is for those of you that understand that by having more money, this allows you to assist more people, assist more in saving the planet, live your life in more healthy/fulfilling ways with family/friends, and lastly to express yourself in more positively charged ways.

Don't read any further if you disagree with what's written above. I try never to judge others because I am not perfect in any way but I prefer when the information that I share is used in a positive way. And, to be specific, I prefer that what I am about to share about money is not used for hurting or taking any advantage of anyone, greed, or negativity, etc. This is also why I vet who I work with, coach, mentor, etc. Knowledge can be powerful. And with power comes responsibility. And certain info shouldn't be in certain people's possession. With every action there's a reaction- a scientific fact. Negative actions will get you a negative return- Karma. With that being said, let's move on.

If you came across this article and you read up until this point, you were supposed read this. It was meant for you. It's your time to level up. Kudos to you! Perseverance works! I will make this article brief. No need for anything long winded. This article should change your life- financially. In a short period of time. Keep in mind that this is only one of many routes that you can take.

I'm not gonna delve into affirmations, visualization, vision boards, etc. in this article. Let's jump right in. If you want more money for:

1) Peace of mind/ behind on bills

2) Improve quality of life

3) Buy a house/ Invest in Real Estate

4) Start a business/nonprofit

5) Medical/health, family reasons

If any of these reasons look like your reason(s), keep reading. Here's the hack, you will have to start a business and file the necessary paperwork for an LLC, INC, etc.

If you have a business already– Great! Next step, you are going to have to find someone with good personal credit and partner with them ( to speed up the process)...or you will have to build and structure your own personal credit - the right way... on your own. I will show you how to build your own personal credit- the fast way- for free in up and coming articles.

Step 3. Once your scores from equifax, experian, and transunion are 680 and above, you are basically ready to get business credit cards. Not personal credit cards. Business Credit Cards give higher limits and you want the cards to report on your business credit (Tax ID #)- Not your personal credit report.

These credit cards will give you a zero percent interest rate for at least 12 months (that's amazing- free money). If you apply and receive 4 business credit cards with a $50,000 dollar limit, you've just gotten $200,000 within say 6 weeks. What could you do with $200k?? 20 cards would give you a million dollars to invest! I've helped countless people become millionaires or simply change their lives over the last 20 years!

You must, of course, have the intention and the means to pay back what you borrow. S0 don't think of getting cards, maxing them out, and not paying them back. Banks don't tolerate that.

Depending on what you are using the funds for, paying back what you use should not be a problem. Just make sure you spend some, if not all, of the funds for marketing your new business, current business, real estate project, etc. Be sure to work the S#!T out of your business until it turns profits for you to pay back the cards/monies spent and also assist you in creating your dream life. I've seen funds being used for down payment money on real estate, marketing and employee salaries, inventory, used cars to be re-sold, crypto/stocks, general business start-up funds, influencers/creators, movie productions, and so on. A high rated and reputable company that assists with this type of funding, structuring, and stacking is Lendipity. Any questions, feel free to ask and I will try my best to point you in the right direction. The strategy above helps people who would normally not have the opportunity to win win. This strategy also assists in amassing a decent amount of money in less time or a fraction of the time that it would take most people.

To schedule private/personal sessions with me for Mindset/Life CoachingSpiritual Development, or Mentorship contact me at

I'm just warming up so bear with me. This is all new to me, but remember to subscribe for notifications about my upcoming audio posts, Podcast, and Youtube channel. Stay tuned for high-level conversations, interviews with special guests, and various hacks to upgrade your life. I promise to change your life (in a good way).