Healthy relationship?

In an intimate relationship, it's important to not expect your significant other to be an extension of you. In other words, you should never try to change your partner. You must fully accept and allow your partner to be who they are. Allow them to evolve in their own time. Rushing their growth would only hurt the process. Like the story of the man and the caterpillar in the forest. A man sees a caterpillar in the forest trapped in a cocoon. So he tears open the cocoon to set the caterpillar free. He did this out of the kindness of his heart. He saw a creature stuck and wanted to set it free- so it would struggle a little less. The man wanted to make up for the one or two negative moves that he made in his past. He felt as if he was doing something beautiful. The man smiled as he did the good deed. What did he do wrong? He didn't know caterpillars transform into butterflies after going through Metamorphosis. A hidden and special process done under the blanket of a cocoon. The man in the forest didn't know that the caterpillar needed to struggle in order for the transformation to begin. He stunted the caterpillar's growth by tearing the cocoon. Some believe that when human beings explore their spiritual side, they too go through metamorphosis.

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